
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)

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Delft University of Technology
Building 28, room E.3080
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE – DELFT, The Netherlands



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Dimensionality-Reduction Algorithms for Progressive Visual Analytics

Dimensionality-Reduction Algorithms for Progressive Visual Analytics

Author : Nicola Pezzotti
Promotor(s) : Dr. A. Vilanova / Prof. dr. E. Eisemann
University : Delft University of Technology
Year of publication : 2019
Link to repository : TU Delft Research Repository


In this thesis, we present novel algorithmic solutions that enable integration of non-linear dimensionality-reduction techniques in visual analytics systems. Our proposed algorithms are, not only much faster than existing solutions, but provide richer insights into the data at hand. This result, is achieved by introducing new data processing and optimization techniques and by embracing the recently introduced concept of Progressive Visual Analytics; a computational paradigm that enables the interactivity of complex analytics techniques by means of visualization as well as interaction with intermediate results. Moreover, we present several applications that are designed to provide unprecedented analytical capabilities in several domains. These applications are powered by the algorithms introduced in this dissertation and led to several discoveries in areas ranging from the biomedical research field, to social-network data analysis and machine-learning models interpretability.