
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)

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Delft University of Technology
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P: +31 15 27 88032

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00 – 15:00


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A29 Hardware and System Security course

A29- Hardware and System Security Course

Year Expected: April 2025

ECTS                   4

Course content
Security is one of the most fundamental extra-functional requirements that a systems has to provide and guarantee. For this reason, it is crucial that system designers and software developers are fully aware of the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the secure operation of their devices and systems.

Security is however a quite broad and multifaceted problem, that very often has to be embedded into systems in a transparent way.

Nevertheless, a naive design and implementation of cryptographic primitives can simply make them not effective, since weaknesses introduced in the implementation have been demonstrated to be easily exploitable by adversaries.

This course focuses on the design and efficient implementation of security primitives and is divided in two parts. The first part, in addition to the main design and optimization techniques used for designing secure hardware and software, covers also threats caused by side channels, techniques to mitigate them and the use of machine learning for improving security. The second parts covers advanced topics of security, such as security of machine learning algorithms, roots of trust, and aspects of system security.

Objectives: the course aims to provide a broad overview of embedded and cyber-physical systems security and to engage students via hands-on exercises.

Organization: the teaching approach will combine lectures with hands-on work.

Course objectives
The course aims to provide a broad overview of embedded and cyber-physical systems security and to engage students via hands-on exercises.

Final Schedule

Tuesday April 19:
14:00-14:15: Welcome
14:15-17:30 (incl. break): Intro to cryptographic primitives and their design (lecture + hands-on), Joan Daemen
18:00-19:00: Welcome reception + student poster session
19:00: Dinner
Wednesday April 20:
9:15-12:30 (incl. break): Efficient implementation of cryptographic primitives in hardware (lecture + hands-on), Nele Mentens and Francesco Regazzoni
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-17:15 (incl. break): Efficient implementation of cryptographic primitives in software (lecture + hands-on), Roberto Avanzi
19:00: Dinner
Thursday April 21:
8:30-12:30 (incl. breaks): Side-channel analysis attacks and countermeasures (lecture + hands-on), Lejla Batina and Kostas Papagiannopoulos
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: System security (lecture), Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
15:30-17:30: Free time
17:30-20:30: Social event + dinner
Friday April 22:
9:30-11:00: Security of machine learning (lecture), Stjepan Picek
11:00-11:15: Break
11:15-12:45: Hardware roots of trust (lecture), Ingrid Verbauwhede
The course has an assignment which is evaluated following the examination procedure. Examination: Literature study or small project on the concepts of the course. Submission of a report about the literature study or the project by a specific deadline followed by and evaluation.

Responsible Lecturer

Prof.dr. Nele Mentens, University of Leiden
Dr. Francesco Regazzoni, University of Amsterdam

Education Period:

Expected in April 19-22, 2022
(3 days effective lecture time: 1 afternoon, 2 full days, 1 morning)

Maximum capacity of participants: 20

Location: Postillion Hotel Amersfoort Veluwemeer, Putten Nederland
