
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)

ASCI office
Delft University of Technology
Building 28, room E.3080
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE – DELFT, The Netherlands



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A27 Fundamentals and Design of Blockchain-based Systems

A27 - Fundamentals and Design of Blockchain-based Systems

Year Expected 2026
Registration  click here


Blockchain is a unique technology in its combination of potentially very wide applicability and its foundation in fundamental concepts of computer science. There is seemingly no limit to the set of applications proposed for the blockchain, ranging from fintech through passports to humanitarian aid. On the other hand, blockchain technology is closely tied to fundamental topics such as consensus and scalability in distributed systems. The last several years have seen a flurry of activity in attempts to develop and apply blockchain technology and in research on variations and improvements of the blockchain supporting the original bitcoin cryptocurrency.  This course consists ofLectures on

Lectures on:

  1. blockchain technology from an engineering perspective
  2. the fundamental notions of consensus in distributed systems and state machine replication that underly blockchain technology
  3. the usage of blockchain technology to create alternatives to central platforms such as Youtube, eBay, Airbnb, and Uber for connecting people, facilitating transactions, and creating trust
  4. scalability of blockchains, sidechains, payment channels, and common attacks.
  5. daily lab sessions in which you will design and implement a blockchain from scratch in teams of two. Your blockchain will have its own functional cryptocurrency, payment channels, and defences against common attacks.


  • Jérémie Decouchant (TU Delft, coordinator)
  • Johan Pouwelse (TU Delft)
  • Stefanie Roos (TU Delft)
  • Can Umut Ileri (IOTA)

Lab assistants:

  • Bulat Nasrulin (TU Delft)
  • Rowdy Chotkan (TU Delft)
  • Shen Yu (TU Delft)

Course and lab schedule:

Schedule ASCI A27 Advanced Blockchain Engineering
Monday Jan 22-26, 2024
22-jan 10:00-12:00 Introduction to Blockchain Technology (Johan Pouwelse)
22-jan 13:30-17:00 Lab assignment
23-jan 10:00-12:00 Advanced Blockchain Topics: L2, DApps, Web3, etc. (Can Umut Ileri)
23-jan 13:30-17:00 Lab assignment
24-jan 10:00-12:00 The Distributed Computing Problems behind Blockchain (Jérémie Decouchant)
24-jan 13:30-17:00 Lab assignment
24-jan 10:00-12:00 Permissionless DAG-based Distributed Ledgers – An Introduction to IOTA (Luigi Vigneri)
25-jan 13:30-17:00 Lab assignment
26-jan 10:00-12:00 Lab assignment

Responsible Lecturer

- Jeremie Decouchant (TU Delft, coordinator)
- Johan Pouwelse (TU Delft)
- Stefanie Roos (TU Delft)
- Can Umut Ileri (IOTA)

Education Period:

January 22-26, 2024

Program released