The ASCI research school is opening a Call for ASCI Course proposal, which aims to stimulate the (junior) staff members to offer new courses and/or to get more actively involved in existing courses on the one hand, and to be recognized for their time and effort spent in designing/offering an ASCI course on the other hand. The ASCI board has allocated an annual budget of 2.5k Euro (cash) funding for existing courses and 5k Euro for new courses plus a funding certificate indicating the grant. Maximum two proposals for existing ASCI courses (to be renewed/redesigned) and one proposal for a new course will be granted per year. More details can be found at:
The ASCI education committee is organizing an online matchmaking event on April 25, 2023, 14:00-15:00, during which the call and its purpose will be explained, alongside a short introduction to the current ASCI course offer. During the event, participants will also have a chance to introduce themselves, their envisioned course(s), and get to know each other and team up to prepare a joint proposal. If you consider submitting a proposal and would like to meet potential teachers from other ASCI partner universities, this online matchmaking event may be helpful.
Participation to this matchmaking event is free but registration before Friday, April 21st, is required.