Identifying Key Enablers in Edge AI
The Dagstuhl seminar “Edge-AI: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence” explores the promises of Edge AI for sustainably decentralizing cloud applications while providing more bandwidth and reducing latency. By hosting the event in the world renowned Schloss Dagstuhl in Germany, the seminar organizer Aaron Ding together with ASCI chair Andy Pimentel aim to tackle several technical and societal challenges: 1) large-scale deployment of the edge-cloud continuum, 2) energy optimization and sustainability of such large-scale AI/ML learning and modelling, and 3) trustworthiness, security, and ethical questions related to the intelligent edge-cloud continuum. Built on the Seminar of 2021, the output will include a tangible roadmap with reflections for a large-scale, energy-efficient, and safety- and privacy-aware Edge AI.