In recent years, most of the ASCI courses have been organized at an external location, typically a hotel /conference venue. This is because it becomes increasingly difficult to organize ASCI courses locally, at university sites, due to the enormous pressure on lecture rooms for regular education. However, the additional costs that come with the external organization of ASCI courses forces us to reconsider the model for charging course fees. Instead of providing a ‘full package deal’ (including hotel overnight stays) in course fees, we will move towards a “conference fee model”, which will only cover the course itself as well as lunches and drinks/snacks during the breaks. Our goal is to find easy accessible locations which makes it possible for everyone to commute. More information can be found in the State of the Union 2023-2024.
ASCI office
Delft University of Technology
Building 28, room E.3080
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE – DELFT, The Netherlands