
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)

ASCI office
Delft University of Technology
Building 28, room E.3080
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE – DELFT, The Netherlands



The ASCI office is located at the Delft University of Technology campus.  It is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport and car. The numbers of buildings can help you find your way around the campus. Make sure you remember the name and building number of your destination.

Contact us at +31 15 278 8032 or send us an email at

Save the date! CompSys 2025

The 8th edition will take place on 21-23 May 2025, in collaboration with NCCV, the Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision under the auspices of the ASCI research school.

The location for the 2025 edition of CompSys is the Carlton President Hotel in Utrecht (Floraweg 25, 3542DX Utrecht).

Building up on the success of the previous seven editions (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017), the 8th edition of the conference will emphasize efforts on community building and providing a forum to discuss ongoing and future projects among all members of academic research groups in the Netherlands.

The conference will focus on the major research and practice themes related to computer systems. We envision a diverse program, featuring keynotes on advanced topics, strong scientific contributions, and exciting early ideas. We strive for diverse participation from all the interesting and interested parties in the Netherlands, and we especially welcome senior members of the research community, junior faculty members, PhD, master, or undergraduate students.

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