CompSys 2022
CompSys 2022, a Computer Science conference designed to showcase the success stories of Dutch Computer Systems research, while fostering and strengthening national and international collaboration.
At CompSys, we aim to provide a meeting space for research and industry ideas in the area of computing and computer science. Building up on the success of the previous four editions (2021, 2019, 2018, 2017), the fifth edition of the conference will emphasize efforts on community building and providing a forum to discuss ongoing and future projects among all members of academic research groups in the Netherlands.
This year CompSys is back as an in-person conference, for two and a half days!.
The conference will focus on the major research and practice themes related to computer systems. We envision a diverse program, featuring keynotes on advanced topics, strong scientific contributions, panel discussions, and exciting new ideas. We strive for a diverse participation from all the interesting and interested parties in the Netherlands, and we welcome senior members of the research community, junior faculty members, Ph.D., and master students.
Future Computer Systems and Networking Research in the Netherlands: A Manifesto
For the past year, we have been working on a Manifesto on the future of Computer Systems and Networking research in the Netherlands (CompSysNL). The CompSysNL Manifesto is now online [1]; a 2-page executive summary ready for sending around is also available [2]. We are a large, cross-institutional community of scientists and technology experts (30 co-signatories, 7 universities, 5 research institutes and organizations, etc.). Also check out who’s who in CompSysNL [3]. A flyer of our manifesto is available as well [4], along with introductory slides to CompSysNL/ the manifesto [5].
More information can be found on the CompSys website : Home | CompSys 2022