
Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)

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2628 XE – DELFT, The Netherlands



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Call for Papers / CompSys 2025

Announcements, Highlighted, News

Call for Papers: CompSys 2025, May 21-23, Utrecht


CompSys ( is a Computer Science
conference designed to highlight Dutch Computer Systems and Networks research
while fostering and strengthening national and international collaboration. We
aim to provide a meeting space for ideas from network, computing, and computer
system research and industry.

The 8th edition will take place at the Carlton President Hotel in Utrecht
(Floraweg 25, 3542DX) on 21-23 May 2025. We strive for diverse participation
from all interested parties in the Netherlands, and we especially welcome
senior members of the research community, junior faculty members, PhD,
Master’s, or undergraduate students.

== Submission Guidelines ==

All contributions will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Accepted
contributions will appear in the final program as either short talks or full
presentations, depending on the reviews. All presentations will be made
available in digital format unless otherwise instructed by the authors.
Submissions must be in PDF format.

To foster the broadest possible engagement and exchange of ideas, CompSys 2025
does not claim copyright, allowing authors of accepted contributions to present
work that has already been published or is under review elsewhere.

== Important dates ==

Paper submission deadline: 25 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 25 April 2025
Conference: 21-23 May 2025

== Submission types ==

CompSys 2025 welcomes three types of contributions:
1. Research papers
2. Work-in-progress papers or early ideas
3. Negative or failed research results

Long Papers: Research papers on your best results from the past year(s). This
includes papers already submitted to and/or accepted at
(inter)national conferences or workshops (please indicate the original venue in
the submission form). Long papers must not exceed 12 pages in double-column
format or 15 pages in LNCS format and can be submitted using any of the
commonly used templates (e.g., ACM, IEEE, LNCS).

Short Papers (Work-in-Progress and Early Ideas): Since CompSys is a forum that
encourages discussions about early and exciting ideas, we specifically welcome
extended abstracts highlighting early ideas and work-in-progress papers. These
submissions are particularly suitable for graduate and undergraduate students
working on their theses or PhD students who have recently started and want to
share preliminary results with the community. In particular, we encourage
contributions in the form of short talks to share early, unexplored ideas with
the community, stimulate discussions, and gather feedback. These talks may be
especially interesting for early-stage researchers. Submissions require a short
paper of at most 2 pages (not including references) in IEEE double-column
format or 4 pages (not including references) in LNCS single-column format. The
paper should mention the research question being addressed, outline the novelty
and/or originality of the idea or approach, and contain a summary of
preliminary results.

Negative Research Results: As in previous years, we also solicit contributions
sharing negative results, incorrect methodologies, or invalidated hypotheses to
share lessons learned and remind ourselves that trying ideas that do not lead
to expected outcomes is a normal part of research. Submissions of negative
research results papers require a short paper of at most 2 pages (not including
references) in IEEE double-column format or 4 pages (not including references)
in LNCS single-column format.

All contributions to be submitted through a submission system which will soon be
available on the CompSys website.

== Conference organizers ==

Mitra Nasri, TU Eindhoven (
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Radboud University (
Daniele Bonetta, VU Amsterdam (

For any questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact the conference