Mission Statement Advanced School for Computing and Imaging

The Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI) is the Dutch research school for high-quality research and education in computer systems and imaging systems. ASCI encompasses almost all Dutch universities with computer-science departments. For more than 25 years it offers a course programme for doctoral students, it provides the Distributed ASCI Supercomputer experimental infrastructure to its members, and it sponsors two annual national conferences on computer systems and imaging.

Computer Systems

Methods and techniques for the design and implementation of advanced computer systems like parallel, distributed, embedded and real-time systems. These kinds of computer systems are essential for large-scale applications such as data analytics, weather forecasting, the modelling of molecular structures for the development of new medicines, machine-learning, and so on. These and many similar applications need high-performance, distributed computer systems.

Imaging Systems

Methods and techniques for the analysis and synthesis of images. Many of the applications generate enormous amounts of data which can only be interpreted by humans after some form of computer processing. Image synthesis aims at the visualization of data for the human eye, while image analysis is more oriented towards the automatic interpretation of data.


TU Delft

Delft University of Technology

Affiliated research groups

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Twente

University of Twente

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Leiden

Leiden University

Affiliated research groups

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Utrecht

Utrecht University

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Eindhoven

University of Groningen

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam

Affiliated research groups

Universiteit Groningen

University of Groningen

Affiliated research groups


Prof.dr. R.C. Veltkamp
(UU) Chairman
Prof.dr. H. Corporaal
Prof.dr. C.G.M. Snoek


Prof.dr. A.D. Pimentel
(UvA) Chairman
Prof.dr.ir. A. Iosup
Prof.dr. A.C. Telea
Prof.dr.ir G.J. Heijenk
Prof.dr.ir N. Mentens
Dr. Lydia Chen
Paula Diks
Secretary to the Board (TUD)


Research Committee

Dr. J. van Gemert
(TUD) Chairman
Prof.dr.ir. A.L. Varbanescu
Dr. D.M. Pelt
Dr. P. (Przemysław) Pawełczak

Education Committee

Prof.dr.ir. N. Meratnia
(TUE) Chair
Dr.ir. R.W. Poppe
Dr. P. Mettes
Dr. C. Kehl
Dr. A.M. (Ana) Oprescu


Paula Diks
Office Manager (TUD)


The State of the Union provides an integrated review of the performance of our research school. This concise briefing replaces the usual formal and longer research plans and reports. It is, of course, a reference to the American constitutional version. We believe that such a structure is more accessible and easier to read for anyone interested in our field of work and research.

2023 - 2024

ASCI State of the Union

2022 - 2023

ASCI State of the Union

2020 - 2021

ASCI State of the Union


ASCI State of the Union


ASCI State of the Union

Output Research Assessment 2015-2022

Research assessment 

As part of the Research Review of Computer Science over 2015-2020, the review committee chaired by Prof. Jos Baeten of Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica, assessed the Research Schools SIKS*, IPA*, and ASCI, on research quality, relevance to society, and viability. During the evaluation of these criteria, the committee was asked to incorporate four specific aspects: Open science, PhD policy and training, academic culture, and human resources policy. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations are described in the report “Research Review CompSci 2015-2020“.  

Research schools in general  

The committee acknowledged the value of the contribution of research schools to PhD education in the field of Computer Science, for offering specialized courses and enabling students to establish a network throughout The Netherlands. 

In conclusion, the committee praised the efforts of the research schools for following up on the recommendations of the previous research committee, and collaborating on more frequent basis, resulting in cooperation in the ICT.Open Conference. The committee encourages elaborate collaboration, specifically for areas that are represented in more than one research school to come to an integrated course offering.  

Recommendations specifically for ASCI 

The committee recommends lowering some requirements, to limit the loss and increase the number of PhD graduations. The career prospects of ASCI’s PhD candidates are excellent. Among ASCI’s alumni, about half work in industry and half in academia, both in the Netherlands and abroad. The committee supports the plans for annual PhD prizes and fostering collaboration within ASCI to help community building. 

*Institute for Programming research and Algorithmics (IPA); *Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS).